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Monday, October 31, 2005

Crisis Counseling - 10/31/05

This week's Crisis Counseling is up.

A few things of note, here:
  • Ruin is using the Phantom Zone to teleport himself all over the place, employing this technology to beam Pete Ross into his place just as Superman was about to unmask him.
  • So, how the hell did Ruin get a hold of the Kryptonian technology necessary to gain access to the Phantom Zone? Was he, perhaps, imprisoned there?
  • Power Girl is, in fact, still Kara Zor-L of Earth 2. She evidently survived the Crisis because she is tethered to the Earth 2 Superman, who survived the collapse of the multiverse by absconding to another plain of existence with Earth 2 Lois Lane, Earth Prime Superboy, and Earth 3 Alexander Luthor. Fun.
  • Wonder Woman is actually gonna be put on trial for killing Max Lord. She plead not guilty at her arraignment. I find this infinitely hilarious.
  • Paradise Island is under attack from a swarm of OMACs.
Should be a fun week to come.


At 01 November, 2005 08:58, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...


I hadn't even noticed that crazy monster thing on the cover. I have no idea what the hell it is. It certainly wasn't in the book. Maybe it's Ruin's true self.

AoS #645


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