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Monday, October 31, 2005

Crusty Old White Guy to Sit on Supreme Court

So, the President just nominated Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. of the Third Circuit US Court of Appeals to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. And by just, I mean like an hour ago, putting the announcement before the waking hour of civilized man. I guess they White House really wants to get a hold of this week's news cycle, eh?

At any rate, Judge Alito is quite disappointing as a nominee. Since his appointment to the bench back in 1990, he has shown himself to be an extremely conservative judge and apparently has an affinity for Justice Scalia (gag). He was part of the Reagan Justice Department in the Solicitor General's Office and was appointed by George H.W. Bush (you know, if you couldn't figure that out from the 1990 thing) to the Third Circuit US Court of Appeals. This means that in addition to his career history as an attorney, Judge Alito carries with him 15 years of judicial baggage into the confirmation process.

So, Mr. President, what exactly should we infer from Judge Alito's nomination when two weeks ago you claimed that it Harriet Miers' lack of judicial experience was a good thing?

Come on, Shrub. WTF?

Washington Post


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