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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Crazy Ass Canadian Unicycle Concept

Gizmag has an article on a Canadian built concept vehicle that looks like some kind of unicycle on crack. It's pretty old (2003), but since I've never seen it, I'm gonna post it.

Powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and kept from killing its rider by a gyroscope and series of sensors, the Bombardier EMBRIO is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Apparently it rides kinda like a motorcycle and has a handlebar trigger accelerator, but since there's only one wheel, all you gotta do to steer is lean in the direction you wanna go.

At low speeds, and when powered off, the unit has some sort of telescopic legs that give the thing some added stability. The integrated gyroscope is apparently enough to keep you off your ass, though.

Sadly, I can't find any production information on this thing. The company's website doesn't even mention it.


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