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Monday, October 10, 2005

Another "Service" Robot That Will Eventually Destroy Us

Yeah, some Japanese company is marketing a robot to help you carry heavy bags while you shop. It's essentially an really cool looking RFID enabled shopping cart that will no doubt cost an arm and a leg. It's rather unremarkable on its own, really.

Here's the thing, though. The company that makes this thing is the same company that makes Artemis, you know, that cookey robot that attcked the Japanese Primte Minister a while back.

I give us another 20 years before a freak lightning strike makes one of these things self aware and it decides it doesn't need to take our shit anymore.


At 10 October, 2005 11:00, Blogger Andre said...


The beginning of the clone wars...ok I'm going to an army surplus store and get some gear


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