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Friday, June 09, 2006

Toe Shoes

A company called Vibram is now making toe shoes. I would have thought that they could have spent their time on, well, anything else, but apparently there's some sort of muscular benefit to this shit, despite its complete and utter gheyity.

I remember the toe sock novelty from a few years ago and just how friggin awkward and uncomfortable those things were and I can only imagine that a shoe-thick version is even more so.

Whatever, though. A lot of people out there enjoy wasting their money on shit that makes them look stupid (Come on, an H2 in South Florida? What are you, fucking retarded?), so I'm sure these stupid things'll catch on somewhere.

Via Uncrate.


At 19 June, 2006 13:42, Blogger Andre said...

Yes. This is QUITE the ghey. And you have to change your profile now too :P No more bitching until schools starts LOL


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