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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Functional Lego Crossbow

If there's one thing I love more than nifty little Lego contraptions, it's niftly little Lego contraptions that are also fully functional weapons.

Behold, the Lego Crossbow.

I can't imagine that the folks over at Lego would be all too thrilled that someone figured out how to make a lethal implement out of their happy little Sweedish architectural learning toys, but really, who cares? As some one who's spent days and days on end designing and building absurd scale models of various things out of the blocks, I can really appreciate just how god damned hard making this thing must have been.

Now all we need is a Duplo trebuchet and we could have ourselves a siege!

Via TechEBlog.


At 04 May, 2006 10:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regards from Spain man!!. We are waiting for your awesome reviews of Lost... pfffff ¡¡¡what an episode!!!


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