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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Comic Book Day - 01/18/06

I'm finally caught up. Yay for me. Only got about 20 pages left on It's Superman, too.

Anywho, here's what I picked up today:
By the way, I think Flash #230 is the last issue of the book for a while. And while I have no doubt that DC will the chartacter back before the end of 2006, they might consider letting it pass.

Here's why: If the Flash was just hanging out with Supes and the rest of the JLA, why the hell is he trying to stop a giant asteroid from destroying the Earth all by himself? Sure, he's got aging speedster Jay Garrick (the original Flash from the "Golden Age") and Kid Flash along with him, but jesus fucking christ, he's best friends with an invicible flying man who can single handedly alter the orbit of planets and destabalize the gravitational balance of a star. Learn some humilty and pick up the god damned phone, Wally.


Picture via Superdickery.

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At 19 January, 2006 15:50, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

I'm getting to IF#4 tonight. Those were just some passing thoughts on Flash 229.

I think I like the character better in the context of a team dynamic. Also, how does he fit that whole suit into a ring?

Anywho, Infinite Crisis, ho!


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