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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Comic Book Day - 11/30/05

Time for the weekly rundown on how I intend to waste my money this Wednesday.

Today looks to be quite nice for my inner dork (ok, not inner, really; my dork very much lives on the outside). A Couple of things I've been waiting for have finally made their way to the shipping lists. Here's what I'm picking up:
I might also pick up the Marvel Holiday Special, but only because the idea of a superhero Christmas sounds hillarious. The DC holiday issues are always some of the funniest shit they publish, but I haven't picked up a Marvel one in a really long time.

Oh, and speaking of those dicks at Marvel, what the hell happened to Supreme Power: Hyperion #3? Diamond had it listed as shipping this week, but now it's gone. Stupid delays in comic books really piss me off. Why make the monthly solicitations if the book isn't done yet? Bastards.

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