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Monday, December 19, 2005

Gaim 2.0.0 Beta 1

That's right, folks. A new version of Gaim is out and it's Beta-tastic!

The change log is pretty big, and mostly stuff I wouldn't have even noticed, but the biggest difference I've seen, so far, is mostly in the visuals. Here are my observations:
  • The "Preferences" screen is now a horizontially tabbed menu rather than a vertical tree-like thing.
  • It also seems to be much more simplified. Most notably, the "Plugins" options have been ported over to their own, seperate dialogue box and pull-down menu.
  • There's a new status indicator thingy at the bottom of the buddy list. It annoys me a bit and I'm not sure how useful it'll actually be.
  • The text now has a fluid, scrolling motion in the chat dialogue.
  • The interface seems to have gotten something of a facelift. I'm not sure what's different, really; it just looks cleaner.
Anyway, take a gander at this screenshot and see a bit of it for yourself.

Overall, worth the upgrade, I think.

Download Gaim 2.0.0 Beta 1


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