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Friday, December 16, 2005

Cheetos Flavored Chap-stick

Few things in life taste worse than that waxy, vapor-rub taste of Medicated Chap-stick. Of those things, I kinda imagine that a Cheetos-flavored version might be one of them.

"Why," you ask? Well, because somewhere, out there, some poor, dumb (and probably fat) bastard dreamed of being able to eat cheetos without getting chapped lips. Now, that dream is a disgusting, orange wax of a reality.

We can all thank Lotta Luv for this shit.

Via Strange New Products.


At 17 December, 2005 11:35, Blogger Andre said...


Mmmmm greasy desire turned into something that apparently uses the grease found in Cheetos to moisten one's lips. The question is....what is the SPF?


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