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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Yay for Weird French Consumer Electronics!

A French Company called Violet is making Nabaztag, the Wifi Bunny.

The cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys only have their website in French, so I don't really know a hell of a lot about this thing, but from what I cant tell, it's 23cm tall and gives you news, traffic, and weather alerts through flashing some lights and wiggling its ears.

Violet also makes a color-changing lamp based on the weather and a USB device that releases some kind of smell when you receive an email.

-oh, wait, I found an English faq on the bunny. However, I still stand by my earlier description of the French, even though I really don't have any problems with them.

Via Slashdot.


At 24 September, 2005 13:04, Blogger Andre said...

Hey! I have French heritage! But...this looks lame as hell. This is nominated for the 2005 Gimp Awards

At 25 September, 2005 00:34, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

Changed you blogger name, eh?

And I proably have some French heritage as well. The parts of Germany my ancestors are from have been annexed or conquered at least 2 dozen times since they made their way over to the States back in the early 19th century.

Shit, Germany wasn't even a country back then. My ancestors were Hessian and Prussian and probably Flemmish.


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