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Saturday, September 24, 2005

New BattleStar Galactica Content

Well, tonight was the summer finale of Battlestar Galactica, meaning my already grumpy disposition is going to be even grumpier until some time in January.

How was the episode, you ask? God damn fucking awesome, of course.

Why? What were you watching? Numbers? 20/20?

Get on board, already, you pussy.

Having a social life is way overrated.

Anyway, you can catch up starting next week when the first half of the season recycles. Show's on Friday nights @ 10pm on SciFi.

In the mean time, though, check out the BSG webspace for some background info.

Oh, and for those of you who care, there's a new podcast and video blog up too.


At 24 September, 2005 09:24, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

Imma grab them in the next day or so, so if Lex hasn't gotten around to it, I'll toss 'em on a cd for you.


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