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Monday, September 26, 2005

Microsoft Guarantees I'll Never Play Halo 3

Halo 3 will be released on May 15th, 2006 for the Xbox 360, thus making it all but impossible for me to ever play the game.

You see, I have no interest in spending 400 bucks on a planned obsolescence console gaming system. Neither I, nor anyone I know, has that kind of money to waste on video games. In fact, the very idea of it seems idiotic.

Now, I like video games as much as the next guy, that's why I have a fairly high-end computer, but I just can't buy into the notion that any sort of console system is worth my money. What else can it do? Play DVD's? Music? TiVo? Big fucking deal. I can do all of that, and more, on my dork box. Plus, I can upgrade the dork box so that it keeps pushing the envelope. What the hell can the Playstation and Xbox do?

Anyway, I guess my point is that console video games suck. Their only purpose is deprive you of your money. Your money is better spent on a decent computer and high-speed internet access.

Via UberGizmo.


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