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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hmm... Smells Like DARPA

The BBC is reporting a new type of drug that can reverse the effects of sleep deprivation.

Apparently the thing works on monkeys, so far, which calls to mind some very strange images of lab experiments, and was a joint study between Wake Forest University in North Carolina and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

For those of you who don't know what DARPA is, it's the DoD's scientific research agency. They do all sorts of crazy experiments and have researched just about everything imaginable.

Here's some of the stranger things they've done:
  • Bionic implants
  • mechanical exo-skeletons
  • telepathy
  • teleportation
  • holodecks
  • flying saucers
  • jet packs
  • faster-than-light propulsion
They've also yielded some extremely useful things, too, like stealth aircraft technology and the internet.


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