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Friday, August 19, 2005

Comcast Takes Customer Disservice to a Whole New Level

Anyone who's had Comcast as a cable provider know that they're not always easy to deal with, but this story out of Chicago is just absurd.

I always assumed that the rather shitty level of customer service provided by Comcast was just the result of employee apathy, because really, if you had that job, would you give a shit?

Apparently, though, they've now started a new initiative to publicly humiliate their customers who have the audacity to demand actual customer service. A female subscriber who complained about service problems had her billing name changed to "Bitch Dog" and was actually sent a bill a bill reflecting the change! They really sent it out. WTF?

I can understand some internal frustration being vented about belligerent customers, but this is a bit much.

The article also describes another incident, though in less detail, about a power company doing something similar. In this case, though, the customer's name wasn't replaced, just amended. In this case, a guy named Jeff Barnes had his billing name amended to "Jeffery Scrotum Bag Barnes."

I'd almost find something like that funny if it happened to me.


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